It’s the first day of August…

The most obvious thing about today is that it marks the beginning of August, the final month of sunshine before we enter the dull and dreary September, but for me it marks the final month before I start University and if you know me personally, you know that I always like to plan ahead.

Therefore, today I will be shopping for two things. 1. A new wardrobe and 2. my new diet.
I know that it seems hopeful but I am hoping to drop a dress size before I start university, so my day will be filled with shopping for clothes and then shopping for diets.

The problem for me though, is that I am such a fussy eater! The only real food that I like is the food that is bad for you and fruit doesn’t keep very well so it always tends to go to waste in my house. But, I am determined that this time, I’m going to do it!

Last night, the second I got paid, I went online to purchase a Shake Weight from Tesco. I’ve heard mixed reviews about the product and I am approaching it with caution, but as I can’t afford to start the Gym until I get my free Lifestyles membership in September, I have decided to give it a go as it was only £20 after my staff discount was applied.

So hopefully with my new piece of gym equipment and a diet plan which I intend to follow to the letter, I will drop the eight to ten pounds that I need to finally fit into a size less.

Have you dropped a dress size in a month? Do you have any hints and tips? If you do let me know!

Beverley Ann x